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12 Astounding Facts about Mahatma Gandhi’s life

Facts About Mahatma Gandhi's life

Did you know that Mahatma Gandhi was married at thirteen, and his teachers use to criticize him for having poor handwriting? There are many other interesting facts about his life that people often overlook in light of his accomplishments.

Mahatma Gandhi is hailed as the father of the nation in India. He advocated for independence from British rule through his principles of non-violence and truth. His peaceful protests and hunger strikes garnered international attention, which ultimately helped lead to India's independence in 1947.

Unfortunately, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated amid India's worst religious conflict in decades. But his legacy continues to live on through his teachings and the many schools, roads, and institutions that have been named in his honor.

Here are 12 facts about Mahatma Gandhi's life that you may not know:

  1. Mahatma Gandhi was born as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, India. The title 'Mahatma' was given to him in 1914 by Rabindranath Tagore, a renowned Bengali poet, the composer of the Indian National Anthem and Nobel prize winner.
  2. Gandhi Ji spent 21 years in South Africa. He went there as a barrister but spent most of his time fighting for the rights of the Indian community in South Africa. During his stay in South Africa, he developed the concept of Satyagraha, which means resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience. This played a key role in India's independence movement.
  3. He not only fought for independence but also the upliftment of women, lower castes and equal treatment of all religions.
  4. Mahatama Gandhi's birthday (2nd October) is celebrated as the international day of non-violence all across the world.
  5. Gandhi Ji worked tirelessly to abolish the idea of untouchability from society. He went on several hunger strikes to draw attention to the cause. Untouchables were given the name Harijan by Mahatma Gandhi, which means children of god. Studying history at the best school in Baddi, you will be able to learn about all of the significant historical events that have shaped our world today.
  6. Gandhi followed a strict vegetarian diet- He took only fruits, nuts and seeds for five years. But when his health started deteriorating, he returns to the vegetarian diet. Gandhiji experimented a lot with food; In his book moral basis of vegetarianism, he wrote, “ I have always been in favour of pure vegetarian diet. But experience has taught me that in order to keep perfectly fit, a vegetarian diet must include milk and milk products such as curds, butter, ghee etc.”
  7. He underwent a 21-day fast to protest the British government's decision to separate electorates based on caste.
  8. During the Great Famine, when Mahatma Gandhi was fasting, British authorities strictly prohibited any photographs to be taken. They were concerned that people would become angry and that the freedom movement would grow more violent as a result of the images.
  9. Mahatma Gandhi was never awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, although he was nominated five times.
  10. Gandhi was famous for his bad handwriting not only in India but also in his Law school in London.
  11. He wanted freedom of the people not only from British rule but also from ignorance and illusion. He believed that personal freedom came with self-knowledge and discipline.
  12. Gandhi Ji’s wife, Kasturba Gandhi, was imprisoned in Aga khan palace for 18 months, where she died after a prolonged illness on 22nd February 1944. In India, this day is celebrated as mother’s day. At the time of her death, Gandhiji was in prison. The British government released Gandhi after he got malaria; they feared he might die like his wife in prison. Gandhi Ji’s personal secretary Mahadev Desai was also died in Aga khan palace due to a heart attack on 6th May 1944.

Some Memorials dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi

If you're ever near any of the locations below, be sure to visit them and learn more about Mahatma Gandhi's life. He lived by ideals of non-violence and truthfulness throughout his fight for freedom, so you can too!

Raj Ghat: Raj ghat is one of the most famous sites that honoured the life of Mahatma Gandhi. It is the place where he was cremated on 31st January 1948, a day after his assassination. Architect Vanu Ji Bhatia designed Raj Ghat in such a way that it can reflect the simple life of the Father of the Nation.

Sabarmati Ashram: Sabarmati Ashram is located in Ahmedabad, Gujurat. Gandhi Ashram, a museum at the Sabarmati ashram, depicts the life and works of Bapu. India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated Sabarmati Ashram in 1963.

Gandhi Memorial Museum: Gandhi memorial museum, or Gandhi museum, was established in 1959 in the Madurai city of Tamilnadu. This museum consists of three sections: India’s fight for freedom, the biography of mahatma and replicas and replicas. This place historically belonged to Rani Mangammal of the Naick dynasty. Source: Wikipedia

The bottom line

Mahatma Gandhi's life teaches us that we should speak out against prejudice without fear of repercussions. His example encourages us to love and respect others, even our foes. Vivek International Public School believes that the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi should be included in primary education to promote a child's total development.