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How to Make the Best Study Timetable for Students

Study Timetable for Students

I will study or do this task later, and it often turns into never. Has this thing ever happened to you? If yes, you are not alone! It happens to all of us; we make procrastination a part of our life. However, getting rid of procrastination is not so difficult. All you need to do is to create a study timetable schedule, and you are done!

Do you know how to make a study timetable? Oopsie, an efficient timetable that helps you with academic success and ensures you don’t lag in other extracurricular activities, too. You don’t, and that’s why you are here. So, let’s not exaggerate this more and delve deep into this exclusive blog to learn how to create an effective study timetable and excel at everything we can!

Why You Need a Study Timetable?

The answer to this question is simple. You need a study timetable to manage your time efficiently and ensure that you have time for everything - for your studies, playing with your friends, having fun with your loved ones and doing the other things of your interest. Below are some key reasons why you need a study timetable:

  • Manage Time Efficiently: You can allocate specific time slots for different subjects with a timetable and ensure you cover all your homework.
  • Reduce Your Stress: Knowing what and when to study can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, especially during exams.
  • Improve Focus: A timetable helps you stay focused and avoid distractions, leading to more productive study sessions.
  • Learning Balance: You don’t neglect any subjects with a structured timetable and can allocate more time to challenging subjects.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Study Timetable

Creating a study timetable is very easy. But if you haven’t done it before, you may find creating a study timetable schedule a bit difficult. Here are some steps for creating an effective and efficient study timetable:

Analyze Your Current Schedule

Before you start creating a study timetable, spend enough time analyzing your current daily routine. List everything you do daily, including school, work, family responsibilities, recreational activities and meals. After that, you will have a much clearer idea of how much time you have for studying after all this.

Set Realistic Goals for Yourself

Why do we create a study timetable schedule? To achieve goals that we can’t in lack of a study timetable. So, the next step is to set realistic goals for yourself, and your goals could include anything, from finishing homework on time to preparing for your exams to stand first in the class. You must write your goal on plain paper and ensure it always stays in your sight so you don’t forget why you are doing all this.

Allocate Time for Each Subject

Once you identify your goals, you have to make a list of all disciplines or topics you have. Sort them according to their importance and difficulty level. Then, start allocating time for each subject. Give difficult subjects or subjects with exams coming up more time if required. The rest of the subjects should be allocated enough and equal time. Make sure you schedule your study sessions at times when you are most alert and focused.

Remember to Add Breaks

While creating a study timetable for yourself, don’t forget to schedule breaks, as they are vital for effective studying. You should take at least 5-10 minutes of break after studying for an hour or a half. If you are confused about how long your breaks should be, consider following the Pomodoro Technique. Don’t know what it is? Read this:

Work or study for a set amount of time (e.g., 25 minutes) and then take a short break (e.g., 5 minutes).

Make your breaks productive by engaging in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as walking, stretching, or listening to music. Avoid using smartphones, scrolling social media, or doing other unproductive or addictive activities, as they are more likely to distract you than to relax you.

Be Flexible and Adaptable

Though sticking to a structured timetable can help you achieve your academic goals, it is also essential to be flexible with your schedule. You may need to adjust your timetable in case of emergencies or unexpected events. So, be always ready to make changes to your study timetable schedule!

Review and Refine Your Timetable

You do not need to stick to the structured timetable you have made; review and refine your timetable over time. Consider regularly reviewing your timetable to see if it is helping you achieve your set goals. And if it is not, make adjustments as required. For instance, if your performance in one subject is not up to par, allocate that subject some more time. By regularly refining your timetable, you can achieve better results.

Reward Yourself to Stay Motivated

Staying motivated can be challenging for students, especially when it comes to studying. To ensure you don’t skip your schedule or get demotivated in mid-term, consider rewarding yourself. Reward yourself for every accomplishment (whether small or big). This will keep you motivated! You can also seek motivation from your role models by reading their success stories.

Example of a Study Timetable

Here is an example of a study timetable for school goers:

Recommended Study Timetable Schedule
7:00 AMWake up
7:00 AM – 8:00 AMBreakfast
8:00 AM - 3:00 PMSchool
3:15 PM - 4:00 PMLunch and Rest
4:00 PM - 5:30 PMStudy Time (Session 1)
5:30 PM - 6:00 PMBreak
6:00 PM - 7:30 PMStudy Time (Session 2)
7:30 PM - 8:00 PMDinner
8:00 PM - 9:30 PMRevision/Homework
9:30 PM - 10:00 PMLeisure time
10:00 PMBedtime

Here is an example of a study timetable for non-school goers:

Recommended Study Timetable Schedule
7:00 AMWake up
7:00 AM – 8:00 AMBreakfast
8:00 AM – 10:00 AMStudy Time (Session 1)
10:00 AM – 10:10 AMBreak
10:11 AM – 12:15 PMStudy Time (Session 2)
12:16 PM – 1:00 PMLunch break
1:01 PM – 3:00 PMStudy Time (Session 3)
3:01 PM – 3:10 PMBreak
3:11 PM – 5:15 PMStudy Time (Session 4)
5:15 PM – 6:00 PMExercise/Relaxation
6:01 PM – 7:00 PMDinner
7:00 PM – 9:00 PMRevision/Homework
9:00 PM – 10:00 PMLeisure time
10:00 PMBedtime

Tips for Effective Studying for Students

While a timetable is enough to help you achieve your academic goals, distractions and disturbances may get you off track easily. So, here are some tips for effective studying for students:

  • The desk where you are studying should be clutter-free. Remove everything that may distract you, including your smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, and personal computer.
  • Whenever you sit at the study desk, sit with a goal in mind. Your goal could be anything, from finishing a chapter to solving at least ten problems.
  • Following active learning by making notes and underlining key elements of a chapter can help you learn better.
  • Use effective study techniques to ace your exams, including mnemonics and mind maps or teach the same to someone else.
  • While bragging about less sleep seems cool, it is not. Avoid studying at night and spending your productive hours scrolling social media. Sleep at your scheduled time and try to wake up on time!

"If you’re thinking how sleep can affect your time table, then you should read
Role of Sleep in a Student’s life"

Note: The list of tips we can mention here is pretty long, but they are of no avail if you don’t follow them. So, make sure you follow every tip for effective studying and excel at your academics.

On the Final Note

The benefits of a study timetable are numerous, including reduced stress, no procrastination, effective studying, balanced learning and more. However, many students do not know how to make an effective study timetable. Though creating a study timetable is not very difficult, you may find doing so challenging if you have never done it before.

We have created a step-by-step guide to creating an effective study timetable. The guide includes analyzing your current routine, refining your timetable, and more. You can find the guide above. In addition, we have mentioned some of the most effective studying tips for students that may help them find academic success. Read the above content, and excel at your studies!