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Homework Help: Tips for Supporting Your Child’s Learning at Home

Help your children in Homework

Homework helps children practise and reinforce the concepts they have learned in class. But many children, even the ones who enjoy doing their homework, can lose the enthusiasm to do it with time because of several reasons, such as distractions, increased workload, etc. A parent can help the child with homework by teaching time management skills, setting up a homework area, etc. The below tips will make homework easier for your children, whether they are procrastinators or perfectionists.

1. Set a time for homework

You need to identify what is the best time for your children to do the homework. This is because some children may need a long break after school, while others may like to dive into their homework immediately after school to maintain their flow state. Also, ensure that they do their homework daily in the set time slot but don’t be too rigid; Be open to adjustments, like if they are tired someday, change the time slot to give them the time to rest but ensure they complete their homework or assignments. Not only this, you should also encourage your children to create an effective and good study schedule for themselves so that he/she can manage other tasks as well.

2. Help them build confidence

When children can’t solve a problem, they think they are not smart enough, which lowers their confidence. You can help them figure out why they are facing the problem, like if they are struggling to solve algebra problems, they might have committed errors in calculations by wrongly interpreting the operations and signs (BODMAS), or they need more practice or anything else. And when they successfully complete their homework/assignment after rectifying their mistakes, appreciate them. The best CBSE schools in Nalagarh build confidence in students through various methods and approaches.

3. Change the study environment

Sometimes doing small things, such as changing or modifying the workspace, can enhance the motivation levels of your child. For example, you can paste your child’s favourite cartoon characters or role models in their study room to make the workspace interesting, engaging and motivating. Also, if your little ones don’t enjoy studying alone, set up a table and chair for them near the kitchen area where you prepare food. Conversely, if they study in that part of the home which has high traffic, consider giving them a private space.

4. Minimise distractions

Distractions such as television, social media, video games, and phone calls make it difficult for children to concentrate on their studies. So, set a specific time to use these devices to prevent them from getting distracted. While they are studying, reduce the background noise by turning off the television and avoiding non-essential conversations with others. Children can also get distracted by visual distractions, such as a messy study room. So, before start studying, tell them to organise their books, digital devices and other stuff.

5. Help them make a plan

When there are too many assignments or hefty homework- encourage your child to break the work into small and manageable chunks and address them one by one. The best is to create a work schedule that includes breaks after every hour or two to let them rejuvenate their mind and focus on their work. The best schools in Nalagarh foster planning skills in children that make them capable of identifying and managing their goals.

6. Let them express themselves

If your children are resisting homework, don't force them to do it- listen to their concerns, and empathize with them. Experts say that when children feel understood, they are more likely to accept your advice and suggestions. If they are struggling with understanding concepts in the classroom, talk to their teacher and together find out the solutions.

7. Nurture independence

While every parent wants to help their children with their homework, sometimes it is better to let them do it themselves. This is because doing homework with no help will help develop responsibility and accountability in them. Also, working independently on a project/ assignment/homework helps build confidence in them, which will positively impact their grades. However, you can give suggestions or feedback after they complete their project/assignments.

8. Teach them time management

Time management is a critical skill to teach children, as it can help them manage their homework more efficiently. You can start by teaching them things, such as how to make a to-do list and many more. But you should be patient as time management skills take time to develop.


Assisting your children with their homework will help you understand their challenges and struggles and create a strong family bond; It will also allow you to teach them time management skills, responsibility and accountability, which will benefit them in many ways. So, it will be beneficial for both you and your little ones.