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What are the 10 healthy habits for kids?

10 healthy habits for kids

Most parents start focusing on children's education and health right from preschool, but when it comes to developing healthy habits, they believe as children grow, good habits develop naturally. However, it is untrue, and parents must teach their children healthy habits from an early age. Below, we have mentioned ten healthy habits that you must factor into your child's life.

1. Eat a nutritious diet

A nutritious diet contains the right balance of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats, which helps the mental and physical growth of the child. A healthy diet also supports immunity, which helps children fight against illness and diseases. So prepare a meal for your child that is packaged with high fibre and nutrition. And don’t worry if they don’t enjoy eating it, keep serving nutritious meals to them. Also, tell them the benefits of eating nutritious food and model healthy eating habits.

2. Get enough sleep

According to studies, kids who take adequate sleep have a good attention span, memory and overall mental and emotional well-being. While not getting enough sleep leads to certain health issues, such as high blood pressure and obesity. Also, children who get a good night's sleep are less likely to experience mood swings and irritability. By setting a regular bedtime, making a comfortable sleeping environment, and explaining the benefits of sleeping on time, you can make them follow this habit, which will help them throughout their lives.

3. Drink Plenty of water

Water is essential for the overall function of the body. It helps regulate body temperature and plays a vital role in transporting nutrients and oxygen to every cell. Water also helps in removing toxic/waste products from the body. Therefore, it is crucial to instil in students the importance of drinking adequate water. First, model healthy hydration habits to children by drinking water yourself. Also, make water accessible to children by keeping water in cups and water bottles.

4. Brush twice a day

Brushing keeps our gums and teeth healthy. So, teaching dental hygiene to children from an early age prevents them from cavities and tooth decay afterwards. Make it a fun activity by using colourful toothpaste or singing a song for them while they brush. Also, explain to them the importance of brushing, such as the benefits described above. Top schools in Barotiwala create an environment where students learn healthy habits from an early age.

5. Read every day

Reading is another healthy habit that ensures children's success by improving their language and cognitive skills. According to research, reading helps develop empathy, self-esteem and social skills in kids. You can foster reading habits in children by reading with them. Also, let them choose what they want to read and make reading a fun activity. One thing to note is that children learn from their parents, so read books in front of them and set a good example.Upgrade your knowledge with a more productive way of learning through reading.

6. Select an enjoyable physical activity

Though some children like sports, not everyone like being active. But physical activities provide short and long-term health benefits to children, from maintaining weight to increasing their energy. So, encourage your children to get involved in physical activities. Give them opportunities to explore different physical activities, such as swimming and gymnastics, and let them choose the activity. Top CBSE schools in Baddi inculcate healthy habits in children by incorporating physical activities into the school curriculum, offering healthy foods in the school canteen, and doing many more things.

7. Practice good hygiene

Good hygiene, such as washing hands before and after eating, covering mouth and nose while sneezing, refrain sharing from using others' toothbrushes and towels, prevents children from diseases and illness. Both teachers and parents can teach good hygiene in several ways, like modelling good hygiene habits, explaining to children why it is vital, etc.

8. Limit screen time

Excessive screen time leads to mental issues, such as obesity and depression. It also adversely affects the sleep and brain development of a young child. So, it is important to limit children's screen time and encourage them to indulge in some other activities such as playing outside, reading, dancing or spending time with their family and friends.

9. Stay positive

Setbacks are part of life, and we need to teach this to children from an early age. Help them stay positive when things are not working their way. According to studies, children and adults can benefit from keeping a positive mindset and maintaining good relationships. You can help them by encouraging them to see good things in life and modelling positive behaviour.

10. Eat less sugar

Though many children love to eat sugar, excessive intake of sugar leads to obesity and chronic diseases. To foster this habit in children, first, decrease your sugar intake (if you consume more sugar) or take sugar in moderation. Explain to them why it is not good to take too much sugar as it leads to certain health issues.

Key takeaways

We know it is not easy to encourage children to follow healthy habits, but it’s not impossible, and you should not give up because it’s your responsibility. Try as much as you can to make them learn these habits, as these will help them lead a better life as they grow up.