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How to Help Kids Develop Self-Discipline?

Self Discipline in Kids

We all want to teach our children self-discipline, and why not? It is a vital skill that will help them learn and grow throughout their academic life. But it’s difficult to foster self-discipline in children, as tactics that work for some children may not work for others. So, we need to find what works for our kids. Here, we have given some tips that can help nurture self-discipline in your children.

1. Create a routine

A routine will help your children know when to dress up, brush, eat, play, do homework, etc. So, create one by setting a consistent time for everything. Also, make a routine for Sundays and holidays, which allows them to sleep a bit later and relax while giving them a sense of balance and structure. Remember to make the child’s routine as simple as possible and encourage them to follow it.

2. Lead by example

Children learn from parents, so if they see you watching television or procrastinating, they will imitate your habits. Similarly, if you are struggling with losing your temper, work on it before preaching to your kids to control their anger. When they see you valuing your commitments, managing your time effectively and facing challenging situations calmly, they will do that as well. Remember that parents play a vital role in preparing the future of their children.

3. Explain why they have to follow rules

We create rules to teach children self-discipline, but we don’t tell them the reason behind it. Let us say you tell your child to eat fruits and vegetables and not fast food. And your child asks why do I have to eat them? Then, instead of saying them because I am saying soo. Say, because they contain vitamins and minerals, which our body needs to function properly. A quick explanation will help them understand why you are telling them to do certain things. The best schools in Nalagarh help children understand the importance of rules and responsibilities by teaching them respect towards others and encouraging them to take responsibility for their actions.

4. Show them the consequences

By consequences, we are not here saying to punish your children as this is not the right way to discipline children. Instead, let them face the natural consequences of not following the rule. For example, if your children don’t finish their homework, they might get low grades or struggle to understand the material taught by the teacher in the class as a natural consequence. So, instead of constantly reminding them to do their homework, allow them to face the natural consequences of not doing it.

Next is to make them face the logical consequences of their behaviour. For example, if it has become common for your child to not put away toys after playing, help them realise their mistake by temporarily restricting them from playing with the same toys, etc. If you think that forcing your child to do something will teach them self-discipline, then you are wrong. Being a parent, you should help them make healthy decisions by knowing the consequences of their actions.

5. Appreciate their good behaviour

We often scold our children when they don't behave properly, but we forget to appreciate them when they show self-discipline. For example, if your children get into an argument and instead of hitting each other, they use words to solve the problem, appreciate them by saying things such as, "Good Job. You two have shown good behaviour, " etc. Similarly, if they do their homework without you telling them, say things such as I am proud of you, etc.  International public schools help foster good behaviour among students by building a positive environment where students feel valued and motivated, which makes them repeat their behaviour.

6. Teach them problem-solving skills

Problem-solving skills can help children tackle certain issues that they are facing with self-discipline. You can foster problem-solving skills in children by encouraging them to think critically about a problem (if they struggle to get dressed in time and end up getting late to school), such as why they are facing difficulty in getting dressed. And what leads to the problem, like do they get distracted while getting dressed? After that, help them brainstorm the solutions, such as preparing the uniform the night before to tackle the problem. And give them the freedom to choose the solutions and take action. If they can’t find solutions to the problem, encourage them to keep trying and not lose hope.

7. Be consistent

You need to be consistent while teaching your children self-discipline. This is because consistency will help your children understand what you expect from them and what they should not do. Also, children thrive in an environment that offers stability and predictability. And consistent discipline techniques provide them with a sense of stability and security. Another thing that comes with consistency is emotional regulation, like when parents gently respond to misbehavior, children learn how to manage their emotions as well, which will help them make better choices as they grow.

8. Be patient and supportive

Self-discipline is a behaviour that takes time to learn, so don’t expect your children to learn this skill in a single day. The first few months will be the most difficult ones for your children, as they will experience several challenges and setbacks along the way. Be patient and support them to help them learn from their mistakes- They will slowly start developing self-discipline, which will help them succeed in their life afterwards.

The bottom line

Learning self-discipline from an early age will help your children face challenges, manage stress and take better decisions as they grow. So, teach them why it is important to follow the rules and show respect to others. Help them at every step by giving your valuable advice and support.